Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cake 109- Chatillon-DeMenil Mansion

Found October 26, 2014

This mansion was built by two different families in two different styles.  The first portion was built by in 1849 by Henri Chatillon in a four bedroom brick farmhouse style. He was a guide and hunter for the American Fur Company in St. Louis before settling in the area with his wife. Chatillon sold the house in 1856 to a  wealthy Frenchman, Nicolas DeMenil.  DeMenil came to St. Louis in 1834 and married Emilie Sophie Chouteau, a descendant of St. Louis' founding family.  In 1861, they hired an English architect to turn the farmhouse into a Greek Revival Mansion. When Interstate 55 was being planned in the 1960's they discussed tearing the house down, but the Landmarks Association bought the property from State of Missouri Highway Commission and began restoration in 1964. 

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